Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I really enjoyed this video about President Ronald Reagan and how he used his wit and humour even in formal speeches... why the sudden interest you may ask? cuz we got to watch a few "whose line is it anyway" episodes during the breaktimes in the course haha... Gosh i wanna be like those jokers man, such impromptu wit!!!! =((

If u cant be bothered to watch the entire clip, here's my favour joke Pres Reagan cracked. =D

"A commissar in the Soviet Union went out to one of those state collective farms, grabbed the first worker he came to and said, 'Comrade, how are the crops?'

"'Oh,' he said, 'Comrade Commissar, if we could put the potatoes in one pile, they would reach the foot of God,'" Mr. Reagan continued, "and the commissar said, 'This is the Soviet Union. There is no God.' and he said, 'That's all right, there are no potatoes.'"

And here are the pics of my parents putting on my 3SG rank during my grad parade. and for a long long time, we finally took a family photo hahaa... =D

posted by Shaun @ 10:55 PM


My 2008 Scott Scale 70



Refer to the post on the left! =D

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