Bday presents!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Thank you Tang Sookyi, Benjamin Siow, Joshua Yong, Eugene Ng, Ezekiel Chan, Wong Shu Yi, Tan Jia Jun James for the awesome billabong wallet!

Thank you to myself for the awesome threadless tees! Running Rhino, Recessionopoly & Imbal Scrabble Rack!

Thank you small eyes for the awesome ASOS shirts! =DDDD

posted by Shaun @ 12:05 PM
My Bday wishlist!
Thursday, February 17, 2011

Mob Musicians - US$10

You Sank My Battleship - US$20

Guide Double Pocket Roll Up Sleeve Check Shirt - £28

Guide Roll Up Sleeve Check Shirt - £24

Fred Perry Mens Hoop Stripe Polo - £29.99

Ortofon e-Q5 earphones - ~S$400 (buy from Jaben at adelphi mall)

YELLOW Yoyojam Hitman Yoyo - $70

YELLOW Crumpler Salary Sacrifice - ~$200

YELLOW Onitsuka Tiger Mexico 66 - $180

and yes, i am on the lookout for more yellow stuffs! =D wooooooohooooooo!

posted by Shaun @ 11:47 PM
Happy Birthday to MEEEE!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
okay thank you to the evilest small eyes who orchestrated an evil evil attack on me... terrible la must make the master of suprise attacks kenna attack until so jia lat meh! okay so you can read her post with commentary and photos of my attacks!

so here are my lovely birthday presents!!

Onitsuka Tiger Mexico 66!

Timbuk2 from the eyes and tour guides!!!!!!

YEEELLLOW Nike Drifit from the uncle, aunties, kids at church!

NOT FORGETTING THE STUFF THAT HAS BEEN EATEN AND DIGESTED! - Hagen Daz Fondue from adriene and siyuannnnnnn AND Swensens Ice Cream Cake WOOHOO from shuyi, eugene, small eyes and ezekiel!

so now ah, my last two birthday gifts ah...

Logitech V470 Cordless Laser Mouse

Blackberry Bold woohooo!

posted by Shaun @ 11:42 AM
Bday wishlist
Monday, April 26, 2010
Ms Chin si ying adriene was lamenting on the sorry state of my blog so then it came to my mind that it was time for my annual, okay perhaps i do it more than once a year, wishlist! cuz my birthday is coming comingg coming! for all u bad ppl who go huh? go and find out when or i will gen ni fan lian if u forget my bday!

So i need a new laptop tt is not too heavy as i have a long journey to and fro to singapore poly everyday. step in the Macbook Pro! =D - $2348 (remember to redeem the free printer for urself k!)

and then u know i hate creative mp3 players with a vengeance cuz the quality of their players are as bad as their customer service. seriously atrocious. creative u have lost a fiercely loyal supporter due to ur seriously terrible products and staff. so ya i will make do with a yellow ipod nano!! =D 16GB ah of cuz! - $288

and PLEASE DONT BUY SAMSUNG PHONES THEY SERIOUSLY ARE LOUSY! my phone dies within like 10h and its brand new! changed the battery also like that really really cui! i am from now on just going to stick to nokia, iphone and of cuz my personal favourite blackberry. Blackberry Bold 9700 - $988

and then i lost my favourite pen. dunno where did i leave it in sch hai... i wld like 2 blue, 1 black, 1 red and i green! Uniball Jetstream 0.7 - $2

not too bad rite, no thousand of us dollar racing bike or the bike. =D practical stuff.

posted by Shaun @ 1:52 PM
General Knowledge i never knew!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Ya these are the fun facts i learnt while doing the sat world history test!

1. 'the mandate of heaven' is actually the divine favour enjoy by wise and benevolent rulers, i'd tot that it was some confusian teaching haha!

2. It was the invasion of Poland that led to the UK and France declaring war on Germany in 1939 - so much for thinking that i'm a WWII buff, somehow i tot erroneously that WWII started in 1945 so ya hahaha!

3. Alexander the Great is actually a Greek! I tot he belonged to some ancient group that wasnt too famous roar!

4. The words algebra, assassin, sugar, zero was of arabic influence - i tot zero and algebra originated from india hmmm.

5. Women who were in the workforce were asked to leave after WWI ended - what mean and ungrateful people eh? perhaps cuz the men needed to be re-employed after they were dismissed from their military duties.

6. The Ottoman Empire was referred to as the SIck man of europe

7. Jazz originated in the USA!

8. Franco held the longest dictatorial regime in Europe b/w WWI and WWII

posted by Shauny @ 10:14 PM


My 2008 Scott Scale 70

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